Search Results
Ergodic phase in many body quantum chaos - A. Altland
Quantum Ergodicity of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model - Alexander Altland
Alexander Altland (2019) Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model
Alexander Altland: Lecture III
Oct 25, 2024: Thermalization and Quantum Information Workshop - Alexander Altland [U of Cologne]
Topology and disorder summary (by Alex Altland)
Alexander Altland - The Schdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) Model
Many-body (de)localization - Igor Gornyi
Boris Altshuler: Many-Body Localization
Causal symmetry breaking: late time physics of holographic quantum chaos - Julian Sonner
QChaos2020 - Anatoli Polkovnikov
Julian Sonner - Causal symmetry breaking: last time physics of holographic quantum chaos 10-12-20